Beers That Go Well With Smoked Meats?

beers that go well with smoked meats

The process between fermentation and smoking calls for a commitment of time and effort. There is no way to imitate either smoking or fermentation. Both inspire genuine devotion in the hearts of those who follow them. You can create pleasant memories if your drink is cold and your smoker is on. A few hard-and-fast rules …

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What Can I Do With Old Hamburger Grease?

what can I do with old hamburger grease

After the hamburgers were done, and the rounds and everyone had their fill, it was time to do the dishes, and low and behold, there was always hamburger grease left in the pan or grease trap of the grill or griddle. Throwing it down the drain or toilet is not an option since too much fat will clog the pipes. So, what …

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