5 Of The Best Salts To Use For Brine?

Brining has been a method of meat preparation for centuries, as it can help add moisture and flavor to your meat while helping to preserve it. However, making your own brine requires choosing the correct salt. So, what salt should you use in your brine?

The best salts to use in brine are Diamond Crystal, Kosher salt, Light Grey Celtic Sea Salt, Pink Himalayan Salt, and Fine Sea Salt. All of these salts will ensure your meat is juicy, flavorful, and able to last a while in your fridge. 

best salts to use for brine

Why do you need to use salt in your brine? Can you use regular table salt in your brine? How much salt should you use in your brine? In this article, we will go through all you need to know about adding salt to your brine!

Why Do You Use Salt In Brine?

Brining is a popular method used to prepare meat. You can brine almost all types of meat and then cook the meat any way you choose once brined. In addition, brine adds different flavors to different meats, as you can add many spices and herbs to the brine. 

The flavors of the spices and herbs will then soak into the meat after it is stored in the brine for a few hours or days. 

Every brine is different depending on the meat you are using the brine for, but one ingredient that all brines have in common is salt. 

So, why do you need to add salt to your brine? The salt in the brine not only adds flavor to the meat but also changes the meat’s physical nature. The salt does this by denaturing the proteins in the meat to allow the meat to retain more moisture. 

Salt also helps preserve the meat by killing bacteria. In addition, the salt in brine is a critical ingredient in helping the meat stay moist during cooking and last longer once it’s been cooked.  

What Are The Best Salts To Use In Brine?

So, salt is an essential ingredient in brine, no matter what meat you are using the brine for. However, if you are making your own brine, it’s also important to know what type of salt you should use in your brine. 

Many types of salt are available on the market today, and some will affect your brine negatively, while others seem like they were made for brining as they are so good in a brine. You must ensure you use the correct salt so your brine flavors your meat perfectly. 

With the number of salt types available, finding the perfect salt for your brine can be overwhelming. Therefore, we will go through the best five brining salts you can use to ensure your meat is delicious without needing to search the salts yourself. 

5 Best Salts for Making Brine

Kosher Salt

Kosher salt is the number one top pick for brining salts. This is the salt that is highly recommended for brining meats by most professionals. There are a few reasons for this, including that kosher salt is easy to work with and dissolves well in the water needed for brine. 

Kosher salt is also not as salty as most other salts, which will help ensure you don’t over-salt your brine, but this does mean you will need to use a lot of kosher salt in your brine. This can be concerning for some, as kosher salt can be expensive depending on where you buy it. 

Diamond Crystal

Diamond salt is the second best choice for a brining salt. This salt is used by chefs in top restaurants around the world. Diamond salt is a kosher salt with a coarse texture with an upside-down pyramid shape. This unique shape makes it easy to crush and dissolve in your brine. 

It also means you’re less likely to over-salt your brine or foods. There is more space between the grains, unlike other salts. This is another reason this salt is a favorite of chefs and home cooks. 

Light Grey Celtic Sea Salt

Light Grey Celtic Sea Salt is the next best salt for your homemade brine. This salt is generally of excellent quality and will ensure your meat is flavored well. This salt is also easy to dissolve in water, ensuring your brine-making process goes quickly, saving you time. 

The only problem with Light Grey Celtic Sea Salt that quite a few people struggle with is that this salt holds more moisture inside it naturally. This can make it difficult to measure the right amount of salt needed for your brine, meaning you can easily over-salt it. To avoid this, add small amounts at a time. 

Pink Himalayan Salt

Another fantastic alternative for brining salt is Pink Himalayan Salt. This salt dissolves well in water and can help you save time on the brine-making process, making it an excellent choice. Pink Himalayan salt also adds nutrients to your meat since it contains vitamins and minerals.

The nutrients in this salt can help improve the flavor of your meat. The only problem with Pink Himalayan Salt is that it is more expensive than other types of salt and can be difficult to find in stores.

Because of its extra flavor and nutrients, Pink Himalayan salt is one of the best types to use in your brine- especially if you can find some. You also don’t need much because this salt has a strong taste.

Fine Sea Salt

Fine sea salt is another great salt to use in your homemade brine. However, this salt is not as good as the other salts on this list and should only be used as a substitute if you don’t have access to any other salts. 

This salt easily dissolves in the water, saving you time in the kitchen, as the salt is ground finely. Making it easier to over-salt your brine as it’s easy to use a lot of it in one go. 

So, it’s important to remember to use less of this salt in your brine. For example, with Fine Sea Salt, you should only use 2/4 tsp instead of one tsp of kosher salt.  

Can You Use Regular Table Salt In Brine?

Many people wonder if you can use regular table salt in brine; after all, salt is salt. While this may sound excellent, table salt is not a good alternative for brine. 

Table salt contains anti-caking agents and iodine, which can negatively affect the flavor of your meat once it’s cooked. This flavor can be unpleasant and make the meal less enjoyable. 

How Much Salt Should You Use In Brine?

You might want to know how much salt you should place in your brine. This will vary on the amount of meat you are brining, but a simple rule you can stick to is that you should use 1 cup of salt per every 1 gallon of water you use in the brine. 

Final Word

Salt is needed in brine to help flavor the meat and ensure the meat stays moist and lasts longer after cooking. However, there are only a few types of salt you should use for your brining, as some salts can negatively affect the flavor of the meat. 

The best salts are kosher salt, Diamond salt, Light Grey Celtic Sea Salt, Pink Himalayan Salt, and Fine Sea Salt in your brine for the best results. 

Good luck making your next brine!

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