Who Makes The Pit Boss Smoker And Is It Worth The Money?

Are you considering buying a Pit Boss smoker grill? If so, you’re in the right place, I know you have a lot of questions, especially, since it’s not a cheap investment. So who makes the Pit Boss smoker and is it as good as Traeger?

Who Makes The Pit Boss Smoker?

The brand is owned by Dansons, which is the same company that manufactures the well-known Louisiana pellet smokers.

pro boss pro series

They are not affiliated with Traeger, other than being their competitor. The company offers respectable grills that look and act a lot like the Traegers at well below Traeger prices.

Apparently their plan worked and they’ve been beating Traeger in sales, that Traeger resorted to filing lawsuits against Pit Boss.

Now let’s take a closer look at the company.

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How The Pit Boss Brand Was Started?

There isn’t a whole lot of information about the Pit Boss company, but I’ll share what I found.

Pit Boss Grills is a subsidiary of Dansons, Inc, which as founded in 1999 by Dan Theissen and his two sons Jeff and Jordan.

They were the first manufacturers to venture into pellet smokers after the expiration of the Traeger patent.

In September 2018, the company hired Joe Traeger (The Godfather of Pellet Grills) along with his son Brian.

Bob Traeger aka BBQ Bob is helping the Pit Boss team promote and raise awareness for the Pit Boss brand.

The Pit Boss motto is “Where Quality And Economy Come Together.”

Growth Of The Company

Pit Boss Grills has experienced the fasted growth in the grill brands industry, that they were awarded a 2019 innovation awarded by Lowe’s Company, Inc.

The company is known for its bigger, hotter, and heavier craftsmanship. They offer premium, long-lasting grills that offer the best value per square inch in the grilling market.

Many budget-conscious people have purchased and love their Pit Boss grill. In fact, they started the Pit Boss Nation community, where users can receive recipes, grilling tips, and exclusive offers.

You can even share your favorite recipes and foods you cook on your grill!

Are Pit Boss Grills Made In China?

Smoker and barbecue grills are a booming business, in fact, this website shows that pellet grills have experienced a 9.1 percent growth in 2016 and expect the growth to continue.

The pellet grilling business is a booming business with tons of competition. Therefore more grill companies are moving their manufacturing to China, to help them cut costs.

Unfortunately, there isn’t a ton of information available online about the company. However, I did read that the grills are manufactured in China.

A Look At The Pit Boss Product Line

Pit Boss offers several different products from the Pit Boss Tailgater to the massive Pit Boss Austin XL. They can be purchased unassembled or assembled.

As a consumer, this is great news, because you can find the exact smoker grill that fits your budget!

There are tons of other smoker grills on the market, you can find one that has the features you want.

Is Pit Boss As Good As Traeger?

who makes the Pit Boss smoker
Pit boss is a great affordable grill for beginners and advanced grillers.

After researching this company, I will have to say that you can’t go wrong with buying a Pit Boss over a Traeger.

They have an extensive line of grills which consist of:

  • Wood Pellets
  • Combos
  • Griddles
  • Vertical Smokers
  • Charcoal
  • Gas

The wood pellet grills differ greatly from the gas and charcoal grills.

Pit Boss Grills

Let’s take a look at their wood pellet grills and their vertical grills that are becoming extremely popular.

Be sure to bookmark this page, as I will be researching and writing an in-depth of each one in the near future to help you make the right buying decision.

Wood Pellet GrillsVertical Smokers
1000 Grill W/Nascar Logo + Starter Kit3-Series Vertical Wood Pellet Smoker
700 Grill W/Nascar Logo Starter Kit3 Series Wood Pellet Vertical Smoker
440 Grill W/Nascar Logo + Starter Kit5-Series Wood Pellet Vertical Smoker
340 Wood Pellet Grill7-Series Wood Pellet Vertical Smoker
1000 Traditions Wood Pellet Grill2-Series Vertical Smoker
1000SC Wood Pellet Grill3-Series Gas Vertical Smoker
Ranch Hand Wood Pellet Grill2-Series Digital Vertical Smoker With Cover
Rancher XL Wood Pellet Grill3-Series Digital Vertical Smoker
Pro Series 820 Wood Pellet Grill2-Series Analog Vertical Smoker
Pro Series 1100 Pellet And Gas Combo3-Series Analog Vertical Smoker
Pro Series 1100 Wood Pellet GrillPro Series 4-Series Vertical Wood Pellet Smoker
Tailgater Wood Pellet GrillCopperhead 5-Series Wood Pellet Smoker Model PBV5PW1
Classic Wood Pellet GrillWhiskey Still Wood Pellet Vertical Smoker
Lexington Wood Pellet Grill3-Series Wood Pellet Vertical Smoker
Austin XL Wood Pellet Grill
KC Combo Platinum Series 4-In-1
Lockhart Platinum Series, Wood Pellet And Smoker
700S Wood Pellet Grill
1000 Traditions 2 Wood Pellet Grill

Read this to find out the difference between a vertical and horizontal smoker.

Best Bang for The Buck!

You don’t have to spend a lot of money to get the great taste of smoked food. If you’re considering Pit Boss vs Traeger, you’re most likely savvy with your money. (that’s why we purchased our Pit Boss Pro Series 820.

Where To Buy A Pit Boss Smoker Grill?

There is no shortage of places to buy your Pit Boss smoker. It is available in local retail stores such as Walmart, Cabellas, Lowes, Home Depot, outdoor stores and etc. You can search their website store locator to find where you can buy a Pit Boss near you.

If you’re like me, you would rather shop online. The great news is you can find Pit Boss Smokers On Amazon.

Before you buy, make sure you do your due diligence to find the best deal to save you money! Even though they are expensive, a pellet grill is worth the money if you use it.

Final Word On The Pit Boss Smoker Brand

Hopefully, you know more about the Pit Boss smoker grill and realize that it is a great product.

You can rest assured that you’re buying a high-quality product that will last several years.

References And Further Reading

Cision – Pellet Grill Industry Founder Joins Leading Grill Company

Statesman Journal – Traeger Grills Suing Founder Joe Traeger Claiming He Is Selling His Name And Image Again

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