Do Hamburgers Come From Cows? [What Animal Do They Come From?]

Hamburgers are a popular BBQing option, as everyone loves a good juicy hamburger with their favorite toppings. It’s difficult to refuse a hamburger, but what animal does a hamburger come from? Do they come from cows? 

Hamburgers, despite their name, do not contain any ham. Instead, hamburgers are made from ground beef, which you form into the shape of hamburger patties. The meat cuts used are generally round, chuck, or sirloin. This means that hamburgers do indeed come from cows. 

do hamburgers come from cows

Are hamburgers made from female or male cows? How many cows are in one hamburger patty? How many hamburgers can one cow make? We will go through and answer all these fun and interesting questions, plus more, in this article!

What Animal Do Hamburgers Come From?

Hamburgers are considered the most popular food in the world by many. No matter which country you go to, you will find some form of a hamburger for sale. Hamburgers are extremely popular and for a good reason. 

Hamburgers are delicious! There is nothing better than pulling out the grill on a hot summer’s day and cooking some tasty, juicy hamburgers for everyone to enjoy. So, hamburgers are a popular BBQing option, but what animal do hamburgers come from?

Despite the name hamburgers, hamburgers don’t contain ham. 

As mentioned above, hamburgers are made from ground beef formed into the shape of a patty that you can then grill into a tasty meal. This means that hamburgers are made using the meat from cows. 

Let’s go through some other interesting information surrounding the humble hamburger so that you can become the hamburger expert in your family. 

Are Hamburgers Made From Female Or Male Cows?

So, hamburger meat comes from cows, but which cows are used to make hamburger meat? This might surprise some people as many believe that hamburgers come from female cows, but this is not the case. 

Hamburger beef derives from cattle. This means that hamburgers are generally made from many different cows, regardless of the cows’ sex. Let’s take a look at how it’s broken down. 

A lot of the ground beef we eat today comes from female cows that have produced at least one calf, steer, which are male cows that were castrated when very young. 

Heifers are female cows that have never given birth. And bulls that are under two years of age. 

So, the ground beef used to make hamburgers comes from both male and female cows and young and old cows. 

How Many Cows Are In One Hamburger?

As so many cows are used to make ground beef and then, subsequently, hamburgers, it can lead you to wonder how many cows are in a single hamburger. 

This is an interesting question as many believe that only one cow made the hamburger they are eating, but this is not true. 

It’s not uncommon for one single hamburger patty to contain the ground meat from 1,000 different cows. This is because the meat from many cows passes through the grinder simultaneously while making beef patties for burgers.

This mixes the meat to create your ground beef, which means you are eating from multiple cows simultaneously when you eat a hamburger. 

Who Invented Hamburgers?

Hamburgers are known globally, but who can we thank for this delicious invention? Unfortunately, this is a tricky question and doesn’t have a straightforward answer. 

As there are multiple different versions of the hamburger that have existed worldwide for centuries, it isn’t easy to narrow down who created the hamburger as we know and love it today. 

However, “Hamburger steak sandwiches” have been advertised in the U.S newspaper from Hawaii to New York since the 1890s. The invention of these hamburgers has been attributed to multiple people, including Oscar weber Bilby, Charlie Nagreen, Frank and Charles Menches, Louis Lassen, and Fletcher Davis. 

With the number of people taking credit to have invented the hamburger as we know it today, it’s impossible to know which one is the true inventor, and all we can do is guess. 

Do Bulls Make Good Hamburgers?

Bulls are male cows that haven’t been castrated and are generally kept for breeding purposes. However, when a bull is too old to reproduce properly, the farmers will send them to the butcher to be processed into meat for us to consume. 

As bull meat is exceptionally lean and can be pretty tough, bull meat is excellent for ground beef that forms into hamburgers patties easily. However, with bull meat, some fat may be added to the ground beef, as it can be extremely lean, making it unsuitable for juicy hamburgers.

So, bull meat is good for hamburgers, but depending on the fat percentage in the meat, fat might need to be added in the form of other meat from other cows to ensure the hamburgers are perfect. 

How Many Hamburgers Can One Cow Make?

How many hamburger patties could one cow make if you were to use only one cow to make hamburgers? This is a fun and interesting question. If we take an average-sized cow, only about 200 pounds of meat goes towards making ground beef.

These 200 pounds can make about 800 hamburgers on their own. However, if you use all the meat from one cow to produce ground beef, you can make about 1,600 quarter-pound hamburger patties from one cow alone. 

What Part Of The Cow Is Used To Make Hamburgers?

The parts of the cow used to create hamburger patties generally come from the primal cuts and trimmings of the cow. 

Ground beef consists of the less tender and less popular meat cuts, including the chuck, round, and sirloin. These meat cuts are perfect for hamburger patties as they are lean but still have a good fat percentage to create juicy hamburgers. 


Hamburgers are a delicious meal that is enjoyed by many across the world. Each country has its variation of hamburgers, but they all have two things in common: they are made from beef and are delicious. 

Hamburgers are made from many cows and can contain the meat from up to 1,000 cows in a single hamburger patty. 

Now that you know some fascinating facts about the humble hamburger, you can surprise your family and friends with your knowledge at your next BBQ!

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